Every time you get in your car, board an airplane, eat a burger, your actions will create an output of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. With the threat of global warming and climate change becoming larger issues, it is important, now more than ever to take responsibility and decrease the amount of carbon dioxide that is expelled into the atmosphere. Global warming and climate change are serious problems that are looming over society, one way to combat this is through the creation of carbon sinks, which are objects that sequester carbon and then store it. The ocean, plants, and the soil are all examples of carbon sinks.
When plants, mainly trees, are cut down, they not only release the carbon that they were storing into the atmosphere but they are also no longer able to actively sequester carbon. This is one of the leading reasons as to why deforestation is so harmful, especially when the trees that are cut down are not replaced. That is why we are offering the service of offsetting people's individual and/ or business's carbon emissions through planting trees in areas that is desperate for help.
Many people live busy lives, that make it difficult to to make meaningful changes in the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce, our project through PositiveRipples, has a main purpose to sell trees to individuals and businesses that will be planted in Haiti. This is a win-win, as the purchaser will make a tax deductible deduction in their carbon footprint and the tree will provide soil stability, shade, jobs, and food to our partners in Haiti. The trees that are planted will use the carbon that we produce to grow for 50-100 years! There are also other benefits to trees; they can absorb up to 1000 tons of water per year, their roots provide stability to soil, and fruit and nut trees can provide food (or coffee, their major exported item)!
When plants, mainly trees, are cut down, they not only release the carbon that they were storing into the atmosphere but they are also no longer able to actively sequester carbon. This is one of the leading reasons as to why deforestation is so harmful, especially when the trees that are cut down are not replaced. That is why we are offering the service of offsetting people's individual and/ or business's carbon emissions through planting trees in areas that is desperate for help.